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Functional Facilitation Center (HISDU) at P&SHD for receiving PERs ...

It is informed that Facilitaion Center of HISDU at P&SHD shall remain ... Read More

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World Immunization Week in partnership with World Health Organization ...
Government of Punjab is observing World Immunization Week in partnership with the World Health Organ ... Read More
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Approval of revised yardstick / criteria for HR of P&SHD ...
The yardstick / criteria for human resource for P&SHD (Basic Health Units, 24/7 Basic Health Units a ... Read More
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Relax on Ban for Ad hoc Recruitment in Primary & Secondary Healthcare ...
The Provincial Cabinet has decided to relax the ban on recruitment to the extent of appointment on v ... Read More
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Establishment of five Paraplegic Centers in Punjab ...
The Cabinet Committee has approved the establishment of five Paraplegic Centers in Punjab. The cente ... Read More

Information & NOTIFCATIONS

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Completion of Performance Evaluation Reports of Medical Officers(s) /W ...

No. SO (Promotion) PERs/2024 -Completion of Performance Evaluation Rep ... Read More

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Chief Minister Program For Doctors at BHUs and RHCs ...
Chief Minister Program For Doctors at Basic Health Unit and Rural Heath Center ... Read More
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Provision of PER for the Year 2023 in General Cadre, Pharmacy Cadre an ...
No. SO (Conf)Misc-1/2024 - Provision of PER for the Year 2023 in General Cadre, Pharmacy Cadre and S ... Read More
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Promotion of Additional Principal Medical Officers (BS 19) to the Rank ...
No SO (Conf )1-1/2024- Promotion of Additional Principal Medical Officers (BS 19) to the Rank of Pri ... Read More
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Tentative Seniority List of Drugs Controller/Director Technical (BS-19 ...
No. S.O(Conf-II)2-1/2024, Tentative Seniority List of Drugs Controller/Director Technical (BS-19) ... Read More

Functions & Services

Functions & Services of Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department are as under:

Health Management

Health management
planning and policy

Policy Matters

Prevention and control of
dengue & other vector borne

Collection & Compilation

Collection, compilation
registration and analysis of
vital health

Development Schemes

Health management
planning and policy

Service Matters

Service matters except those
entrusted to Services and
General Administration

Medical profession

Indigenous system of medicine

Control Drugs

Control of medicinal drugs
poisons and dangerous drugs


Administrative control of the
entire nursing cadre in the Province

Budget & Accounts

Budget, accounts and audit
matters Purchase of stores


The Public Health Ordinance
1944 Epidemic Diseases Act 1958